Why Outreach?

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Why should Christians do outreach?

Wouldn’t we prefer if people came to us as Christians, complimented our radiant lives and asked us what we believe? Rarely that does happen – especially in restricted nations. But overall, it is neither reality nor what Jesus told us to do. He came to “seek and save the lost,” and tells us to do the same! Jesus went into public to find people, get their attention, and share truth with them.

Christians wonder how we come across the internationals that we lead to Christ and disciple. Here Dr. Cynthia shares how. She and her teams reach out every way that you can imagine – outreach events, immigrant communities, campuses, ethnic festivals, mosques, temples of various religions, street festivals, community events and online videos. We share materials in their languages, often along with gifts or a coffee card. Plus, every day we take small stashes of materials in various languages with us about town.

However we connect, we let them know that we are Christian. This way they know the source of our love, concern, and smiles: there can be no charge of deception (2 Corinthians 4:2).

As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 2:14, we spread the fragrance of Christ in triumphal procession everywhere we go. Those who respond positively to our message we invite to meet with us again.

This, then is how we make disciples – OFF:

  • Outreach
  • Follow-up
  • Friendship