The PATH of the PROPHETS is the most effective way we have found for sharing the gospel with Muslims. It uses the Bible characters common in Islam and Christianity and terms that are familiar with to explain how Jesus’ death on the cross fits with ideas and traditions that they already know. The approach is, “This is what you know; let us show you more!”
We recommend that you first watch “PALM Training – Path of the Prophets Part 1, Gospel Method,” or one of our other videos on the Path of the Prophets, such as the Lesson or 12-minute English video.
Christians who read the booklet or watch the video will find that everything makes sense to them. What they miss however, are what we call HIDDEN BUTTONS. These are thoughts and emotions pushed in Muslim thinking that make the message even powerful. In this video we explain to you what is in the mindset of Muslims that Christians are unaware of when the method makes a point.
Dr. Cynthia is a physician with several decades of experience sharing the gospel with Muslims, answering their questions, and challenging their erroneous beliefs.