The PATH of the PROPHETS is the most effective way we have found for sharing the gospel with Muslims. It uses the Bible characters common in Islam and Christianity and terms that are familiar with to explain how Jesus’ death on the cross fits with ideas and traditions that they already know. The approach is, “This is what you know; let us show you more!”
After hearing it Muslim responses have been:
- “You are the first Christian I have spoken to that makes sense.”
- “So, Jesus is the Lamb of God!”
- “It’s beautiful! I believe it is the way to God!”
In this first video, we present the background of this method, how it was developed, how to use it, and why it is effective. Then we show an illustrated video of it.
Muslims know that Abraham did blood sacrifice. Their most holy day honors this, Eid al AdHa. They know that Moses brought the 10 Commandments. But they do not know about blood sacrifice for sin was practiced by all the prophets and patriarchs, whom they also call prophets.
This method introduces God, his character, submitting to God, going his way, substitutionary atonement, and prophecies of Jesus as the final sacrifice. It explains the why of atonement, and how to live a real Christian life.
The Path also confronts “The Big 4” objections that Muslims have to the gospel. (See also the conference video on “The BIG 4.”)
The video was filmed in front of an audience at a training conference. It includes the English video of the method/booklet. However, for a cleaner presentation of the video, watch it directly here.
We recommend that after this you watch “PALM Training – Path of the Prophets Part 2: Hidden Buttons,” which explains how Muslim thinking is impacted in ways beyond the Christian understanding of the presentation.
Bio: Dr. Cynthia is a retired physician with several decades of experience sharing the gospel with Muslims, answering their questions, and challenging their erroneous beliefs.