PALM Training 2: Introducing Islam with 3 Big Questions

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Engineer apologist Luke P specializes in science and philosophy apologetics and polemics, but has much experience with Islam from ministry, business, and family relationships.

Here he reviews for conference goers the basics of Islam by answering a few of Christians’ most common questions about it:

  1. What do Muslims believe?
  2. Why are some Muslims nice and others violent?
  3. Can there be a reformation in Islam, similar to that in Christianity?

These are presented from the Christian viewpoint, with some explanation in how they are the same or different from Christian views on that topic.

To clarify a few points that arose but might not have been clear in the presentation:

  • The Kabaa in Mecca can be visited by Muslims for religious credit year-round. The actual “Hajj” is an annual event on the lunar calendar, after Ramadan. Otherwise, the pilgrimage is called “Umrah.”
  • About holy books: in theory Muslims believe that there were many prophets who brought holy books, some besides those mentioned in the Bible and Quran. These however, they believe have disappeared or been corrupted, leaving the Quran as the final, perfect revelation from Allah. (Our other videos refute this claim.)

NOTE: This video was made at our Level 1 PALM Project Training. If you are taking the course online in order, it is #2. If you already know a lot about Islam, you may skip to the next presentation, #3. Conference attendees received a manual with greater depth on each subject.
This intro to Islam is also covered in more depth by Dr. Cynthia in our video, “Introduction to Islam for Christians,” and many of our other videos.