Whether they express them or not, there are four big stumbling blocks that Muslims have been programmed with to make them resist the gospel. We call them “The BIG 4.” They are:
- God would not become a man
- The Trinity does not make sense
- Jesus didn’t die on the cross
- The Bible has been corrupted, but not the Quran
In this video we cover what Muslims think about these four and how we can answer their objections.
Some of this material we have covered in our other videos, but here you find the 4 defended together in one video. We cover classic apologetic arguments that you would learn in Bible school – or church Sunday School if they have apologetics classes. We also include other explanations that we have found to be particularly good with Muslims, such as object lessons.
It used to be that these four were almost the only objections that Christians would get. Over the last 20 years however, Muslim apologists have put forth hundreds of other objections. We do not directly cover those in our Level 1 Training. Regardless, every Christian sharing with Muslims needs to be able to answer these four with confidence.