Life is Hard, But God is Good

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Misled by her positive demeanor and smile, a doubt-ridden university student challenged Dr. Cynthia. “It’s easy for you to believe, you have a good life! My family has problems,” he chided.

Taken aback by his assumption, she responded with some of the tough realities of her life.

Professionally, as a doctor she dealt with cancer and death on a daily basis. She knows how chronic disease debilitates and depresses, has researched abnormal fetuses, and heard hospital patients crying through the night. As a deputy medical examiner, she was up close and personal with overdoses, accidents, suicides, and homicides. She autopsied bodies ripped apart by car wrecks, plane crashes, or bullets in the head. She knows how someone looks and smells after being dead for days, alone at home, unloved, and eaten by worms.

In her personal life she has had many challenges, much hard work, problems and heartaches. Through her extended family she has suffered with life-long disability from birth trauma, difficult relationships, attachment disorder, dementia, physical abuse, torture, kidnapping, and soap opera-like realities.

You too have probably faced some of these hurts and disasters. With life so hard, how can we see that God is good?

Partly just that – because life is hard. Like many people, Dr. C struggled trying to make life perfect for herself and her family. But this is impossible. It leaves us tired and discouraged.

What helps Dr. C to have a positive attitude and share it with others? To know that although life is hard, but God is good?

  1. Accept that earth is not heaven. It is not perfect here, but we are not staying forever!
  2. Remember that nothing separates us from God’s love. He can do good through every situation. (Romans 8:28,38-39)
  3. Pray for help.
  4. Remember that the Lord is with us always! (Matthew 28:20)

As Dr. C says, “God’s goodness shines through every trial,
You’ll see it if you wait a while.”