On outreach in America, we suggest that you let it be known from the beginning that you are a Christian. This is being “upfront right off.” The gospel material you distribute might show this, or the booth you volunteer in. Or, you can just say, “I’m a Christian.”
There are two important reasons to do this early on:
1. They can’t say that you tricked them. (2 Corinthians 4)
2. If they are not interested in connecting with a Christian they won’t meet with you. That frees you to meet with someone else who is truly interested – or do anything else on your list.
Dr. Cynthia says her first goal is to make a good connection so that they like Christians, accept the packet and read the tract.
WARNING: In the Middle East or restricted nation, one must great caution before being a vocal Christian – especially if you are a former Muslim.
From location at a street festival, Dr. Cynthia explains that reaching out in a warm style helps receptivity. We should be confident, smile and be pleasant. Our actions should show that the message we share is good: it is important to us, and we bless them in sharing it!
We believe Acts 17, where it says that God moves people around so they can get to know him. And so, we consider that we are put in certain places at certain times to be agents of God in fulfilling his will that everyone comes to know him. These thoughts grant us courage to reach out in kindness and love, with a power beyond our usual personality.
All nations and tribes are coming to the West. We do not need to travel great distances to share with them. God is making it easy for us! Could you serve the Lord part time in reaching out to them?
We know that most Americans have many obligations. Nevertheless, we challenge you today to stand back a bit and think, “How could I be a part time missionary of the gospel in my region?”
By intentionally making time, you can visit campuses, mosques, other places of worship, or refugee communities.
Holidays and special events bring the best opportunities to share our faith! Everyone seems more open to a smile and a flier on a holiday! We go with the holiday theme, smile, say a holiday greeting, and distribute holiday tracts, often with a treat.
Holiday tracts can be ordered, but most of the time we use ones we generated ourselves, especially certain languages. (See: www.ChristianfromMuslim.com/Resources for free downloads)
The need is huge and workers few, so tend to limit widescale outreaches to holidays and special events. This way we can bring gospel material to many people during a time of openness. If we meet Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus or others from a place unfamiliar with the gospel, we give them material directed to their thinking and native language.
The Esther Bridge: Queen Esther in the Bible asked those she wanted to share with to dine with her. Likewise, if we connect well on outreach, we will ask the person to meet with us and chat over tea or coffee.
“Pre-disciples” are those who have some interest in Christianity and agree to meet with us. Then se share Christian truth in a way resembling how we teach new disciples.
To get started off with Muslim in what Dr. C calls pre-discipleship, she suggests you use OFF:
Outreach Follow-up Friendship
Don’t forget to follow-up with those who showed interest!
PALM Project
PALM Project is what we use to win Muslims to Christ. PALM stands for Pursuing And Loving Muslims.
Jesus came to “seek and save the lost.” John said that if we follow Jesus we walk as he did. (Luke 19:10 & I John 1:6)
PALM Project teaches that any time a Christian is with a Muslim – actually anyone – they should do one of these three things: 1. Build Bridges 2. Share Truth 3. Challenge Falsehood
Our videos teach you specifically how to:
BUILD BRIDGES that connect with Muslims and lead them to the gospel. There are many bridges. We hope you find some that seem natural to you. (See videos on the topic.)
SHARE TRUTH: The most important Truth we need to share is the gospel. For that we use “The Path of the Prophets,” because it uses Bible characters and events that Muslims know, so that it finally makes sense to them why God became a man to suffer for their sins.
Part of Sharing Truth is to sprinkle Bible truth into everyday experiences that you share with Muslims, and of course everyone else you know. Our videos teach how to do that.
CHALLENGING ISLAM: We are not primarily about Challenging Islam. But we understand that unless Muslims know that Islam is not true, they will not have the strength to walk away from it.