Disclaimer: This video lesson and study guide is for people from a Christian background who want to know how to connect with Muslims. It is directed toward the way Western Christians think. Those from Muslim background might learn some things from it. However, it is one of our few lessons which is not directed toward Muslim thinking. Some Muslims might even be offended, but that is not our intention.
Quick Summary: In this video lesson and study guide, Arab Pastor George Saieg inspires us to reach out to Muslims, and Dr. Cynthia gives us important tips on how to do it.
Introduction to this Video Lesson and Study Guide: the Manual on Building Bridges with Muslims
The video lesson attempts to squeeze a day-long seminar into half an hour. The accompanying study guide is actually a full manual on how to connect with, and bring the gospel to Muslims in America (and to a degree all Western countries). It fills in details not covered in the video, adds more material and examples, and is much more complete.
The manual presents such important and foundational material that we want you to have it all, so it is longer than our usual study guides. However, we understand that you might not have time to read it all.
The material is organized so that you can easily skim its headings, and then focus on the parts that interest you. Likewise, for study groups, the leader might need to pre-select portions for group review and discussion.
Reaching Muslims for Christ takes prayer, preparation, and intentional forethought. It can be challenging. But don’t let that scare you. Jesus told us to take the gospel everywhere, and that we could do it because he would be with us. So the church began, so it has been, and so it will be for you.
The Manual covers:
Building Bridges
Essentials for securing both ends of the bridge – yours and theirs
Bridge Type #1 – from you to the Muslim
Bridge Type #2 – from the Muslim to the gospel
Bridge Type #3 – from the Muslim to other Christians
Study Questions and Practice Laboratories
- DOs and DON’Ts
- Dress for Success
To receive a link to the Video Lesson and PDF copy of the full Manual on Building Bridges with Muslims, please send an email describing you and your group to BecomingChristianfromMuslim@gmail.com or click on the link below: