Video Index

The table that follows contains a comprehensive list of video clips available from Christian from Muslim. Click on the title to watch the video and learn more.

IDA Christian Answering Muslims ⟶ Video Posts
286 Are there many Bibles?
548 Are there Rules in Christianity? with Georges Houssney
2189 Can Christians Call God Allah?
2078 Death, Grief, and Hope for Christians with Dr. Cynthia
118 Did Jesus die on the cross? Part 1 with Mike Licona
120 Did Jesus die on the cross? Part 2 with Mike Licona
123 Did Jesus only appear to die? With Mike Licona
595 Gospel Video Tract for Muslims: Path of the Prophets
143 Has the Bible been corrupted? With Georges Houssney
249 Historical Evidence of the Crucifixion
1079 Introductory Video
129 Jesus or Mohammed? with George Houssney
1441 Lesson on Bible Study Tools for Muslims
1459 Lesson on Godly Relationships
1158 Lesson on Islam and Violence
1429 Lesson on Salvation in Christianity and Islam
1455 Lesson on Should Christians Marry Muslims?
1465 Lesson on Suffering and Thanksgiving
1399 Lesson on The Christian Life
485 The Reality of Christian from Muslim
535 What are the differences between Islam & Christianity? with Georges Houssney and Elias
IDApologetics and Polemics ⟶ Video Posts
1835 A Christian Attitude for Apologetics
1910 A Former Muslim Advises How to Leave Islam
1960 A Former Muslim Criticizes Islam – Arabic with Subtitles
531 Advice for Leaving Islam, with Georges Houssney and Elias
2153 Apologetics – Repetition Tolerance
1574 Apologetics: Context is Key
2207 Apologetics: Handling Negative Responses
1579 Apologetics: Muslim Misuse of the Bible
1567 Apologetics: Object Lessons
1585 Apologetics: Short Answers and Turn-arounds
296 Are All Religions True? with Luke Price
286 Are there many Bibles?
2164 Can Allah’s Words be Changed?
2189 Can Christians Call God Allah?
2193 Can Muslims Question Islam?
1982 Causes of Suffering
1763 Deliverance from Sexual Sins in Islam with Former Muslim
118 Did Jesus die on the cross? Part 1 with Mike Licona
120 Did Jesus die on the cross? Part 2 with Mike Licona
123 Did Jesus only appear to die? With Mike Licona
133 Disillusion with Islam
2169 Does Arabic Prove the Quran?
1964 Facing Violent Persecution from Islam – with Daniel Scot
1943 Former Muslim Exposes Emptiness of Islamic Ritual
2027 Good Apologist Friday with Dr. Cynthia
595 Gospel Video Tract for Muslims: Path of the Prophets
143 Has the Bible been corrupted? With Georges Houssney
249 Historical Evidence of the Crucifixion
257 How Many Prophets Wrote the Bible?
2266 How Muslims Deceive with the Bible
1738 How to Make Your Personal Apologetic Testimony (PAT)
1869 How to Use Our Apologetics and Polemics Videos
141 Huda on Islam
2203 Intolerant Christians
429 Is There Power in the Words of the Qur’an?
431 Islam Restricts Learning and Choice
129 Jesus or Mohammed? with George Houssney
2215 Learning to Balance Small Talk and Big Talk
590 Lesson on Does God Exist?
2327 Lesson on Essentials of Christianity for Muslims
1158 Lesson on Islam and Violence
2356 Lesson on Obstacles to Outreach
1864 Lesson on Street Wise Apologetics and Polemics – SWAP
755 Lesson on Why Believe the Bible?
2224 Make Their Day
306 Misuse of Parables
2111 More Advice for Leaving Islam, with Louis of Truth Defenders
137 Mosques in America
437 Occult Practices in The Middle East with Georges Houssney
2340 PALM Level 1 Training – Apologetics The Big 4
2338 PALM Training – Building Bridges to Muslims
2349 PALM Training – Path of the Prophets Part 1, Gospel Method
2334 PALM Training – Path of the Prophets Part 2, Hidden Buttons
2342 PALM Training – Sharing Your Testimony, Use Evidence
2336 PALM Training – SWAP: Streetwise Apologetics and Polemics
2346 PALM Training – The SALTSHAKER
2352 PALM Training – Women in Islam
2275 PALM Training 2: Introducing Islam with 3 Big Questions
1879 Pedophilia in the Middle East – with Former Muslim Christina
1839 Sexual Harassment in Muslim Countries – with Former Muslim Christina
1832 Sexuality and Gender Identity in Islam – with Former Muslim Christina
1495 Slavery in Islam
1561 Street Apologetics: Short Answers to Hard Questions
2061 The Appeal of Foreign Faiths with Dr. Cynthia
253 The Bible and the Qur’an Part 2
1744 The Importance of Apologetics – with Dr. Cynthia and Luke Price
1927 The Meaning of Eid al Adha
1626 The Micah and Matthew Controversy
1617 The Place of Culture
447 The Place of Miracles with Georges Houssney
2121 The Prophets and Blood Sacrifice
449 The Qur’an’s Spell (Arabic)
451 The Qur’an’s Spell Part 1
453 The Qur’an’s Spell Part 2
1732 The Trinity and Incarnation with Mike Licona
288 Translations of the Bible and Qu’ran
2242 Upfront Right Off
459 Violence and Rules in the Qur’an
1749 What Are Apologetics and Polemics?
535 What are the differences between Islam & Christianity? with Georges Houssney and Elias
255 What Does Injeel Mean?
1633 What Does Messiah Mean?
513 What is a Real Christian?
116 What is the difference between the Bible and the Quran?
1969 Where is God in Disasters?
1847 Why Churches Should Teach Apologetics
2091 Why Do Good People Suffer? with Former Muslim Antonio
2106 Why I Did Not Convert to Islam with Dr. Cynthia
537 Why shouldn’t I become a Muslim? with Georges Houssney and Elias
135 Why the Bible?
2158 Women Prophets Challenge The Quran
IDConsidering Marrying a Muslim ⟶ Video Posts
1079 Introductory Video
1501 Lesson on Confusing Muslim Marriages
1455 Lesson on Should Christians Marry Muslims?
535 What are the differences between Islam & Christianity? with Georges Houssney and Elias
541 Why a Christian Shouldn’t Marry a Muslim, with Georges Houssney and Elias
543 Why I Wouldn’t Marry a Muslim, with Ada
537 Why shouldn’t I become a Muslim? with Georges Houssney and Elias
545 Why Shouldn’t I Marry a Muslim? with George Saieg
IDDevotional Thoughts ⟶ Video Posts
2297 Commitment: Ballet and Outreach
2078 Death, Grief, and Hope for Christians with Dr. Cynthia
2014 Good that Comes from Suffering with Dr. Cynthia
2376 Life is Hard, But God is Good
2074 Practicing the Presence of God
2127 Retire, Reboot, Repurpose
2116 Spiritual Warfare
2091 Why Do Good People Suffer? with Former Muslim Antonio
IDFeatured ⟶ Video Posts
595 Gospel Video Tract for Muslims: Path of the Prophets
63 Huda’s Testimony of Becoming Christian from Muslim
IDInterested in Jesus ⟶ Video Posts
338 Being Friends with God by Fouad Masri
415 Do I Need a Miracle to Convert? with Nabeel Qureshi
595 Gospel Video Tract for Muslims: Path of the Prophets
63 Huda’s Testimony of Becoming Christian from Muslim
597 Lesson on Christmas: God Becomes Man and is Three-in-one
639 Lesson on Easter: The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus
1274 Lesson on Jesus’ Parables
968 Lesson on Jesus’ Style of Teaching and Living
1450 Lesson on New Life for Muslims
1399 Lesson on The Christian Life
659 Lesson on The Gospel for Muslims: The Path of the Prophets
IDLanguages عربى ⟶ Video Posts
259 Huda Summarizes the Bible & Quran (عربى with English subtitles)
IDLeading a Study Group ⟶ Video Posts
1079 Introductory Video
679 Lesson on Being New in God’s Family
597 Lesson on Christmas: God Becomes Man and is Three-in-one
639 Lesson on Easter: The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus
592 Lesson on Fear, Persecution, and Spiritual Warfare
938 Lesson on Introduction to Islam for Christians
998 Lesson on Islam and the Occult
1158 Lesson on Islam and Violence
1018 Lesson on Islam and Women, with Wafa Sultan
968 Lesson on Jesus’ Style of Teaching and Living
983 Lesson on Liberty or Laws?
835 Lesson on The Bible and the Qur’an
659 Lesson on The Gospel for Muslims: The Path of the Prophets
897 Lesson on The Inspiration and Translation of the Bible
734 Lesson on What Makes a True Prophet?
755 Lesson on Why Believe the Bible?
910 Suggestions for Study Group Leaders
IDLessons ⟶ Video Posts
679 Lesson on Being New in God’s Family
1441 Lesson on Bible Study Tools for Muslims
1190 Lesson on Building Bridges with Muslims
597 Lesson on Christmas: God Becomes Man and is Three-in-one
1453 Lesson on Comparing God’s Character in Christianity and Islam
1501 Lesson on Confusing Muslim Marriages
590 Lesson on Does God Exist?
639 Lesson on Easter: The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus
2327 Lesson on Essentials of Christianity for Muslims
592 Lesson on Fear, Persecution, and Spiritual Warfare
1459 Lesson on Godly Relationships
1310 Lesson on Introducing the Bible to Muslims
938 Lesson on Introduction to Islam for Christians
998 Lesson on Islam and the Occult
1158 Lesson on Islam and Violence
1018 Lesson on Islam and Women, with Wafa Sultan
1274 Lesson on Jesus’ Parables
968 Lesson on Jesus’ Style of Teaching and Living
983 Lesson on Liberty or Laws?
1286 Lesson on Looking for Truth in World Religions
1305 Lesson on Muslims and Miracles
1450 Lesson on New Life for Muslims
2356 Lesson on Obstacles to Outreach
2294 Lesson on Outreach – Getting Started
2300 Lesson on Outreach: Methods
1429 Lesson on Salvation in Christianity and Islam
1455 Lesson on Should Christians Marry Muslims?
1864 Lesson on Street Wise Apologetics and Polemics – SWAP
1465 Lesson on Suffering and Thanksgiving
835 Lesson on The Bible and the Qur’an
1399 Lesson on The Christian Life
1270 Lesson on The Fruit of the Spirit
659 Lesson on The Gospel for Muslims: The Path of the Prophets
897 Lesson on The Inspiration and Translation of the Bible
734 Lesson on What Makes a True Prophet?
755 Lesson on Why Believe the Bible?
2340 PALM Level 1 Training – Apologetics The Big 4
2338 PALM Training – Building Bridges to Muslims
2325 PALM Training – Level 1 Course Overview
2349 PALM Training – Path of the Prophets Part 1, Gospel Method
2334 PALM Training – Path of the Prophets Part 2, Hidden Buttons
2342 PALM Training – Sharing Your Testimony, Use Evidence
2336 PALM Training – SWAP: Streetwise Apologetics and Polemics
2346 PALM Training – The SALTSHAKER
2352 PALM Training – Women in Islam
2275 PALM Training 2: Introducing Islam with 3 Big Questions
910 Suggestions for Study Group Leaders
2273 The Historical Background to Muslim Openness, with Georges Houssney
IDLiving ⟶ Video Posts
67 A Quick Trip to Egypt with Dr. Cynthia
1506 Encouragement from Glass Beach
1987 Finding Rest for Your Soul with Fouad Masri
284 Fort Bragg Catch of the Day
342 Mendocino Coast and the House on the Rock
304 Peace and Purpose in the Garden
261 Quick Trip to Washington DC
443 The Healing Waters of Hot Springs, South Dakota
455 Tour Turkey in 6 minutes
IDMiscellaneous ⟶ Video Posts
302 Enable Us Music Video with Words
1474 Former Muslim Learns Christmas Symbols
609 Meet Dr. Cynthia and Huda
1468 The Christmas Story for Former Muslims
1471 The Meaning of Christmas Lights and Trees
IDNewly Following Jesus ⟶ Video Posts
531 Advice for Leaving Islam, with Georges Houssney and Elias
595 Gospel Video Tract for Muslims: Path of the Prophets
63 Huda’s Testimony of Becoming Christian from Muslim
1079 Introductory Video
679 Lesson on Being New in God’s Family
1441 Lesson on Bible Study Tools for Muslims
597 Lesson on Christmas: God Becomes Man and is Three-in-one
639 Lesson on Easter: The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus
592 Lesson on Fear, Persecution, and Spiritual Warfare
938 Lesson on Introduction to Islam for Christians
998 Lesson on Islam and the Occult
1018 Lesson on Islam and Women, with Wafa Sultan
1274 Lesson on Jesus’ Parables
968 Lesson on Jesus’ Style of Teaching and Living
983 Lesson on Liberty or Laws?
1450 Lesson on New Life for Muslims
1465 Lesson on Suffering and Thanksgiving
835 Lesson on The Bible and the Qur’an
1399 Lesson on The Christian Life
659 Lesson on The Gospel for Muslims: The Path of the Prophets
897 Lesson on The Inspiration and Translation of the Bible
734 Lesson on What Makes a True Prophet?
755 Lesson on Why Believe the Bible?
910 Suggestions for Study Group Leaders
IDNews ⟶ Video Posts
244 California State University Sacramento
1542 Confusing Muslim Marriages | Livestream | Part One
1549 Confusing Muslim Marriages | Livestream | Part Two
510 Nabeel Qureshi and the Koran by Terry Kelhawk
IDQuestioning Christianity ⟶ Video Posts
286 Are there many Bibles?
548 Are there Rules in Christianity? with Georges Houssney
118 Did Jesus die on the cross? Part 1 with Mike Licona
120 Did Jesus die on the cross? Part 2 with Mike Licona
123 Did Jesus only appear to die? With Mike Licona
1474 Former Muslim Learns Christmas Symbols
595 Gospel Video Tract for Muslims: Path of the Prophets
143 Has the Bible been corrupted? With Georges Houssney
249 Historical Evidence of the Crucifixion
1079 Introductory Video
129 Jesus or Mohammed? with George Houssney
1453 Lesson on Comparing God’s Character in Christianity and Islam
590 Lesson on Does God Exist?
1286 Lesson on Looking for Truth in World Religions
1429 Lesson on Salvation in Christianity and Islam
1455 Lesson on Should Christians Marry Muslims?
1465 Lesson on Suffering and Thanksgiving
1399 Lesson on The Christian Life
554 Returning to Islam
1471 The Meaning of Christmas Lights and Trees
535 What are the differences between Islam & Christianity? with Georges Houssney and Elias
IDQuestions ⟶ Video Posts
296 Are All Religions True? with Luke Price
286 Are there many Bibles?
118 Did Jesus die on the cross? Part 1 with Mike Licona
120 Did Jesus die on the cross? Part 2 with Mike Licona
123 Did Jesus only appear to die? With Mike Licona
415 Do I Need a Miracle to Convert? with Nabeel Qureshi
263 Do We Get Points for Reading the Bible?
143 Has the Bible been corrupted? With Georges Houssney
265 How do Christians spread the Gospel?
127 How do I find the truth?
110 How Does God Speak in the Bible?
282 How is God’s voice implied in the Bible?
257 How Many Prophets Wrote the Bible?
298 Is Detachment Good? with Luke Price
427 Is it Wrong to Ask for a Miracle? with Bob Siegel
429 Is There Power in the Words of the Qur’an?
129 Jesus or Mohammed? with George Houssney
590 Lesson on Does God Exist?
1429 Lesson on Salvation in Christianity and Islam
1455 Lesson on Should Christians Marry Muslims?
255 What Does Injeel Mean?
513 What is a Real Christian?
457 What is Discipleship?
276 What’s in the New Testament? – Part One
280 What’s in the New Testament? – Part Three
278 What’s in the New Testament? – Part Two
273 What’s in the Old Testament?
131 Where do I start reading the Bible?
334 Why are Christians Baptized?
125 Why is the crucifixion important?
IDReaching Out ⟶ Video Posts
1842 Beware the Hero Holdout
2234 But I’m Not Sociable
2009 Choose Your Life with Dr. Cynthia
2297 Commitment: Ballet and Outreach
1972 Fear of the Foreign
2027 Good Apologist Friday with Dr. Cynthia
2014 Good that Comes from Suffering with Dr. Cynthia
2035 How a Mom can Reach Out with Dr. Cynthia
1828 How Can Christians Help Muslims Come to Christ? – with Former Muslim Christina
2149 How to Greet a Muslim
2203 Intolerant Christians
2215 Learning to Balance Small Talk and Big Talk
2294 Lesson on Outreach – Getting Started
2376 Life is Hard, But God is Good
2224 Make Their Day
1940 Making Muslim Pre-Disciples
2101 Motivation for Outreach
1934 Muslim Outreach: PALM Project
2140 Oh No! Don’t Go!
1859 Outreach – Go!
1900 Outreach – Take it Easy!
1921 Outreach – Go it Alone!
1905 Outreach – the More the Longer
2146 Outreach Prayer
2258 Outreach with Style
2325 PALM Training – Level 1 Course Overview
2068 Part Time for Jesus with Dr. Cynthia
2250 Risks: Hockey and Outreach
2134 Teaching Through Names
1977 Thanksgiving: Holiday and Habit
1849 The Abraham Dilemma
1825 The Fear Factor
2273 The Historical Background to Muslim Openness, with Georges Houssney
1854 The Jonah Factor
1758 Three Objectives for Muslim Ministry
1752 What Should Americans Know About Muslims? – with Former Muslim Christina
1756 Why do Christians Need to Reach out to Muslims?
2183 Why If They Stayed With Muslims?
2270 Why Outreach?
IDReality ⟶ Video Posts
326 Adult Baptism
338 Being Friends with God by Fouad Masri
529 Discussing Jesus in the Airport
336 Discussing the Great Commission
332 Former Muslim Huda’s Baptism
247 Former Muslim’s First Easter
251 God’s Faithfulness
423 Huda’s Reasons for Joining this Project Subtitles
310 Jesus’ Parable – The Vine
347 Jesus’ Teaching Amazed the People
324 Lessons from Picking Pomegranates
353 Lessons from Surfing
137 Mosques in America
318 Seeking Coffee
517 Share the Gospel with Kevin and Dee
556 Shopping Day
340 Six Month Discipleship Update
1948 The Fruit of the Spirit
330 The Ocean and the Great Commission
308 The Power of Parables
539 The Wedding of a Former Muslim and a Christian
461 Welcome to God’s Family
IDResources ⟶ Video Posts
595 Gospel Video Tract for Muslims: Path of the Prophets
1518 Path of the Prophets Bracelet Instructions
1914 Path of the Prophets Play Highlights – French / Arabic
IDShort Clips ⟶ Video Posts
65 Barbie’s Personal Testimony & Encouragement
118 Did Jesus die on the cross? Part 1 with Mike Licona
120 Did Jesus die on the cross? Part 2 with Mike Licona
123 Did Jesus only appear to die? With Mike Licona
133 Disillusion with Islam
143 Has the Bible been corrupted? With Georges Houssney
127 How do I find the truth?
110 How Does God Speak in the Bible?
141 Huda on Islam
63 Huda’s Testimony of Becoming Christian from Muslim
129 Jesus or Mohammed? with George Houssney
137 Mosques in America
139 Testimony of Former Muslim MBI
116 What is the difference between the Bible and the Quran?
131 Where do I start reading the Bible?
125 Why is the crucifixion important?
135 Why the Bible?
IDTestimonies ⟶ Video Posts
65 Barbie’s Personal Testimony & Encouragement
415 Do I Need a Miracle to Convert? with Nabeel Qureshi
2086 Facing Family Persecution
1526 Felicity’s Testimony of Becoming Christian from Muslim
332 Former Muslim Huda’s Baptism
355 Huda Hopes You Learn
423 Huda’s Reasons for Joining this Project Subtitles
63 Huda’s Testimony of Becoming Christian from Muslim
433 Miracles Natural and Supernatural, with Nabeel Qureshi
435 Nabeel Qureshi’s Decision to Follow Jesus
1511 Sahar’s Testimony, No Fear in Love
139 Testimony of Former Muslim MBI
441 Testimony of Jewish Background Believer with Bob Siegel
451 The Qur’an’s Spell Part 1
453 The Qur’an’s Spell Part 2
459 Violence and Rules in the Qur’an
2091 Why Do Good People Suffer? with Former Muslim Antonio
2173 Why I Rejected Islam
IDTopics ⟶ Video Posts
326 Adult Baptism
290 Arabic Translations of the Bible
296 Are All Religions True? with Luke Price
286 Are there many Bibles?
548 Are there Rules in Christianity? with Georges Houssney
338 Being Friends with God by Fouad Masri
523 Christian Denominations
550 Christian Liberty, with Georges Houssney
515 Christian Service with Mike Licona
519 Daily Bible Reading, with Kevin and Dee
118 Did Jesus die on the cross? Part 1 with Mike Licona
120 Did Jesus die on the cross? Part 2 with Mike Licona
123 Did Jesus only appear to die? With Mike Licona
525 Disciplines of the Christian Life, with Mike Licona
336 Discussing the Great Commission
133 Disillusion with Islam
415 Do I Need a Miracle to Convert? with Nabeel Qureshi
263 Do We Get Points for Reading the Bible?
417 Encouragement to Read the Bible
552 Facing Insecurity, with Mark Vyka
328 Five Year Discipleship Update
332 Former Muslim Huda’s Baptism
247 Former Muslim’s First Easter
419 Goals for a Former Muslim Disciple
251 God’s Faithfulness
421 Growing as a Christian with Professor Daniel Scot
425 Growth Takes Time
143 Has the Bible been corrupted? With Georges Houssney
249 Historical Evidence of the Crucifixion
127 How do I find the truth?
110 How Does God Speak in the Bible?
257 How Many Prophets Wrote the Bible?
355 Huda Hopes You Learn
423 Huda’s Reasons for Joining this Project Subtitles
292 Inspiration of the Bible
267 Intro to the Bible – Part One
269 Intro to the Bible – Part Two
298 Is Detachment Good? with Luke Price
427 Is it Wrong to Ask for a Miracle? with Bob Siegel
429 Is There Power in the Words of the Qur’an?
431 Islam Restricts Learning and Choice
129 Jesus or Mohammed? with George Houssney
310 Jesus’ Parable – The Vine
314 Jesus’ Parable – Types of Soil
320 Jesus’ Parables – Lost Jewelry Coin
316 Jesus’ Parables – Prodigal Son with Bob Siegel
322 Jesus’ Teaching – Context
344 Jesus’ Teaching – Metaphors
312 Jesus’ Teaching – Neighbors
347 Jesus’ Teaching Amazed the People
351 Jesus’ Teaching Style
324 Lessons from Picking Pomegranates
353 Lessons from Surfing
433 Miracles Natural and Supernatural, with Nabeel Qureshi
306 Misuse of Parables
437 Occult Practices in The Middle East with Georges Houssney
271 Psalm 23 with Bob Siegel
349 Purpose of Jesus’ Teaching
318 Seeking Coffee
340 Six Month Discipleship Update
441 Testimony of Jewish Background Believer with Bob Siegel
253 The Bible and the Qur’an Part 2
294 The Bible is Written in Several Styles
445 The Importance of Discipleship with Bob Siegel
527 The Importance of Prayer, with Kevin & Dee
330 The Ocean and the Great Commission
447 The Place of Miracles with Georges Houssney
308 The Power of Parables
451 The Qur’an’s Spell Part 1
453 The Qur’an’s Spell Part 2
485 The Reality of Christian from Muslim
357 The Sermon on the Mount
300 Three Keys to the Truth with Georges Houssney
288 Translations of the Bible and Qu’ran
459 Violence and Rules in the Qur’an
461 Welcome to God’s Family
255 What Does Injeel Mean?
513 What is a Real Christian?
457 What is Discipleship?
116 What is the difference between the Bible and the Quran?
276 What’s in the New Testament? – Part One
280 What’s in the New Testament? – Part Three
278 What’s in the New Testament? – Part Two
273 What’s in the Old Testament?
131 Where do I start reading the Bible?
541 Why a Christian Shouldn’t Marry a Muslim, with Georges Houssney and Elias
334 Why are Christians Baptized?
543 Why I Wouldn’t Marry a Muslim, with Ada
125 Why is the crucifixion important?
545 Why Shouldn’t I Marry a Muslim? with George Saieg
521 Worship Styles
IDWanting to Share Jesus ⟶ Video Posts
595 Gospel Video Tract for Muslims: Path of the Prophets
63 Huda’s Testimony of Becoming Christian from Muslim
1079 Introductory Video
679 Lesson on Being New in God’s Family
597 Lesson on Christmas: God Becomes Man and is Three-in-one
1453 Lesson on Comparing God’s Character in Christianity and Islam
639 Lesson on Easter: The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus
592 Lesson on Fear, Persecution, and Spiritual Warfare
938 Lesson on Introduction to Islam for Christians
998 Lesson on Islam and the Occult
1018 Lesson on Islam and Women, with Wafa Sultan
968 Lesson on Jesus’ Style of Teaching and Living
983 Lesson on Liberty or Laws?
1286 Lesson on Looking for Truth in World Religions
1450 Lesson on New Life for Muslims
835 Lesson on The Bible and the Qur’an
1399 Lesson on The Christian Life
659 Lesson on The Gospel for Muslims: The Path of the Prophets
897 Lesson on The Inspiration and Translation of the Bible
734 Lesson on What Makes a True Prophet?
755 Lesson on Why Believe the Bible?
910 Suggestions for Study Group Leaders