Posts by: Staff Writer

Are there Rules in Christianity? with Georges Houssney

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Are there rules in Christianity? There are in Islam. Islam is a tremendous system of rules and laws. By following these laws one obtains points, or thawab to gain favor with Allah at the Day of Judgment, and a better chance to enter paradise. One of the things which often attracts a Muslim to Christianity is our freedom in Christ. The fact that we are loved and accepted by God without good deeds is a refreshing change from being burdened with heavy labor.

But the Christian life does contain disciplines. In this video Dr. Cynthia asks Rev. Georges Houssney, if there are rules in Christianity. She explains to him the challenges she has faced in encouraging new believers from a Muslim background to grow in disciplines like Bible study and prayer, without making them feel like they have simply entered another system of rules.

Houssney affirms that yes, Christians are saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8,9), not by our good deeds. However, if we want to grow as Christians we need to follow certain things called disciplines. We are not obligated to do these for salvation, but if we do not, we will not fully live in Christ. For example, to live we need to breath, eat, and drink. Similarly, to live spiritually we need to read the Word of God and pray. The fruit of the Spirit of self-control enables us to do these things (Galatians 5:22). (See also videos on “Christian Liberty, with Georges Houssney” and “Disciplines of the Christian Life, with Mike Licona.”)

Why Shouldn’t I Marry a Muslim? with George Saieg

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George Saieg, an expert in Islam from a Muslim country, shares with us in this video some of his ideas of why a Christian shouldn’t marry a Muslim. Islam does not allow Muslim women to marry Christian men, so usually the situation that arises is that of a Christian woman tempted to marry a Muslim man. This is allowed in Islam. But the Bible teaches us that Christians should not be united to unbelievers (II Corinthians 6:14).

Saieg also draws our attention to the status of women in Islam as a practical reason that a Christian woman should not act upon temptation to marry a Muslim. Two of the many examples he gives us are the way women are described as a possession in Islam (Qur’an 2:223 & 3:14 and commentaries), and the fact that according to Mohammed most of the people in hell are women (El Bukhari 7:124, 1052). Saieg says English translations of the Qur’an are soft, and that Western women would never marry a Muslim if they could read the Qur’an in Arabic.

As a practical example, Saieg cites the case of his own cousin who married a Muslim man. At first he assured her that she would be able to practice her Christian faith freely; however as time went on he continued to pressure her more and more to become a Muslim. (This is a situation commonly reported by Christian women marrying Muslims to him and Dr. Cynthia.)

Why I Wouldn’t Marry a Muslim, with Ada

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Ada was in the Middle East while in the military. She met Muslim men who were flattering and attractive and understands why American women might want to marry one. However, she shares with us in this video why she wouldn’t marry a Muslim. Her concerns are based on the difference in the religions’ teachings and following what is true. She draws attention to the loving approach to others that Christians are taught to have (I Corinthians 13:4-8,13) and how this teaching is lacking in Islam. Islam, she says, is false teaching (Matthew 7:15, 16).

Ada reflects on how sad it would be to loose one’s children to a mother-in-law or other woman to teach them a different basis of life than we have in Christianity (in divorce, the father retains ultimate control of the children). Ada reminds us that the Bible teaches we should not be unequally joined to unbelievers (II Corinthians 6:14), which would be the case if a Christian marries a Muslim.

Why a Christian Shouldn’t Marry a Muslim, with Georges Houssney and Elias

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Rev. Georges Houssney and Elias, both of whom were raised in the Middle East, discuss why a Christian shouldn’t marry a Muslim in this video. They present for us their top concerns, but advise that any Christian considering this step spend much time in consultation with a mature Christian advisor. They admit that not everything they share applies to every case.

First, Elias shares that a Christian shouldn’t marry a Muslim because of the lack of common ground they would have. (This actually would apply in every case of true believers.) In 2 Corinthians 6:14, they remind us that the Bible says light and darkness do not have fellowship, and should not join together. A marriage relationship will be strained with such different backgrounds as Christianity and Islam.

Houssney recognizes that Muslim men can be very romantic. It seems like they will do anything to gain the hand of their loved one in marriage; but in his large experience counseling around the Muslim world, this changes after marriage.

Christian women should be aware that they will face two challenges they might not be expecting. First, since the Qur’an gives a man the right to have 4 wives, whom he can divorce rather easily, it tends to put a man in the mindset of always checking out other women as possibilities. Why not? It is their right in Islam (Qur’an 4:3).

The second thing that a woman should be aware of is that in Islam, the father has priority in custody of the children. If separation or divorce happens, you would very likely loose your children to the Muslim family of your husband.

The Wedding of a Former Muslim and a Christian

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In this reality segment from the life of Dr. Cynthia and some of the friends and former Muslims she associates with we get a glimpse at the wedding of a former Muslim and a Christian. Dr. Cynthia tells us a few intriguing details from the life of this former Muslim. Since the wedding brought together former Muslims and others from or interested in the Middle East, it seemed like a good time for us to interview some of them. You can watch them in the entire episode of “Should Christians Marry Muslims,” or watch the clips separately (Why Shouldn’t I Marry a Muslim? Why I Wouldn’t Marry a Muslim, Why Shouldn’t a Christian Marry a Muslim, An American Woman who Converted to Islam for Marriage.)

Why shouldn’t I become a Muslim? with Georges Houssney and Elias

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In this video, Arabs Georges Houssney and Elias discuss why you shouldn’t become a Muslim. Out of the many reasons that you shouldn’t become a Muslim they select six, as follows:

  1. The concern that Westerners are being converted to a false picture of Islam. The Islamic concept of taqiyya, dissimulation (adapted from Qur’an Surah 3:26), allows an inaccurate picture to be presented for reasons such as self-protection and proselytism.
  2. Christian concepts and views of God are being adapted into presentation of something different than Islam is. You might think their view of God is more similar to the Christian view than it actually is.
  3. Saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Elias wants us to know that what is important is not which religion wins more followers, but that in Christianity you can have a personal, saving relationship with Jesus.
  4. The Law of Apostasy. You should not become a Muslim because, based on the Qur’an (Surah 9:12 & 4:89) and hadith (El Bukhari 9:57) once you become a Muslim, you can not leave Islam without risking death. Houssney tells us that we should not become Muslims based on this risk. He shares a case with us that illustrates Islamic freedom of religion is to convert to Islam, not from it. (In some Muslim countries, your official religion is part of your official documents.)
  5. The Truth. We should not become a Muslim because we should believe what is true, not simply convenient. We might be tempted to convert for love, or to fit in with friends, family or culture, or because of racial issues; but before God we must look for and believe the truth.
  6. Eternal Security. You should not become a Muslim if you want assurance of where you are going when you die. Jesus promises us eternal life (John 3:16 & 20:31), whereas Mohammed himself admits he did not know where he was going when he died (El Bukhari 5:266).

What are the differences between Islam & Christianity? with Georges Houssney and Elias

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In this video clip Rev. Georges Houssney and young believer Elias discuss the differences between Islam and Christianity. Both were raised among Muslims in the Middle East and know the differences between Islam and Christianity from both study and experience. Although a the differences between Islam an Christianity are many, and a full discussion is beyond the scope of this video, Georges Houssney and Elias present to us the most significant ones from their perspective:

  1. How we get to heaven. Islam, like every religion except Christianity, offers its followers a system of works. By works and religious practices (deen), Muslims hope to gain Allah’s approval and increase their chance of being accepted into paradise.
  2. Rules vs. Relationship. Islam offers a system of rules. Christianity offers a personal relationship with God as our Father and Savior. We are to walk in fellowship with Jesus and do the things that he did. (I John 1:7 & 2:6)
  3. External vs. Internal. Islam strives to improve a person, and society, through external indicators: rules and appearances. Christianity is about internal attitude and heart change.
  4. Works vs. Grace. In Christianity God saves us by his grace, not by our works, so our salvation is based on God’s power, not ours! Christians are called upon to do good works, but these works are a result of our thankfulness for salvation, not to earn it. (Galatians 5:13,14)
  5. Salvation is a free Gift. In Jesus sacrificial death, God paid the price for our sins. All we have to do is humble ourselves to receive it. If we confess our sins, God forgives them (I John 1:9).

Houssney tells us to read the Bible to learn more about God.

Advice for Leaving Islam, with Georges Houssney and Elias

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In this video, Rev. Georges Houssney and Elias, both of whom were raised in Muslim societies in the Middle East, share some advice for those who are considering leaving Islam. First, Houssney lets you know that you are in good company. Millions are leaving Islam: in fact, his statistics show that 350 million Muslims have left Islam in the past 15 years! Terrorism and other harsh results of Islamic laws are pushing many people into leaving Islam.

For many, the steps in leaving Islam are to become irreligious, and then atheist. Islam indoctrinates its devotees that Christians are deceived and live ungodly lives. These thoughts usually keep them from immediately seeking truth in Christianity. Atheism however leaves you empty. But atheism can eventually prepare a person to be more open to other explanations about God than that in Islam.

Houssney and Elias’ advice for leaving Islam is to look for the truth. Ask God to guide you to the truth. The Bible tells us, way back in a book of Moses, Deuteronomy 4:29, that we will find God if we seek him with all our heart. As part of your leaving Islam, seek God, and take a fresh look at the Bible and Christianity!

The Bible tells us that Jesus is the only true way to a relationship with God. Jesus will not leave you empty. He will save you and give you new life! (John 14:6 & 3:16, 2 Corinthians 5:17)

Discussing Jesus in the Airport

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In the West, we can discuss Jesus anywhere freely without fear, even public places like an airport. It is good for people to hear us discussing Jesus and how wonderful he is! Jesus gives us joy (Galatians 5:22). Even though life is full of hardships, he wants us to be filled with his Spirit and delight in the blessings he gives us.

In this reality video, Huda, a new Christian from a Muslim background, shares with us some of the things she finds amazing about Jesus. She mentions prophecies about his birth (Micah 5:2). Dr. Cynthia adds that the Bible tells us it was just the right time when Jesus appeared (Galatians 4:4). Huda tells us that she shares these things with her Buddhist, Muslim and Jewish friends and they are surprised.

The Importance of Prayer, with Kevin & Dee

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Bible teachers Kevin and Dee share with us in this video the importance of prayer in their lives. Prayer is one of the most important disciplines of the Christian life. Kevin and Dee have seen God miraculously answer many prayers. At times when things are not going well in their family life, they have stopped to remember that they have been slacking off on prayer. Kevin and Dee also explain the importance of prayer in helping adjust our attitudes to be godlier, in line with what he wills, not simply seeking our own way.

Disciplines of the Christian Life, with Mike Licona

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Dr. Mike Licona shares with us in this video that there are disciplines of the Christian life. This is not the same as working for salvation. Disciplines are things we do to have a richer experience in the Christian life, and to please God.

The 6 disciplines include: prayer, Bible study, meeting with other believers, worship, serving, and sharing the gospel.

Christian Denominations

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Dr. Cynthia has found that many Muslims and others are confused about why there are different Christian denominations. First, she explains to us that it is not only Christians who have many denominations – every large religion does, for example Islam and Buddhism. It is human nature to want to do things in a variety of ways.

Dr. Cynthia explains that some of the reasons for different Christian denominations are doctrinal. Some are language based and reflect the cultures they arose in, and others are closely tied to our personal style preferences. This website does not promote any particular Christian denomination.

Although there are numerous smaller doctrinal differences between Christian denominations, some important or noticeable differences are: formal or informal styles of worship service, the understanding and practices of baptism, beliefs regarding whether the communion service (Eucharist) is symbolic or actual consumption of the body and blood of Jesus, whether or not a priest is needed to intercede between Christians and God or if there is a priesthood of all believers with Jesus as the high priest. A noticeable difference which is not strictly doctrinal is diversity in styles of worship music. In Dr. Cynthia’s opinion, none of these denominational differences either make or break a church as being “Christian.”

Some people become dogmatic, saying only their church is the true church. Some go so far as to say that anyone in another denomination is not Christian. Dr. Cynthia believes that the Bible teaches that the true Church is composed of the true believers in many denominations. She thinks having a variety of Christian denominations is actually a good thing. It allows freedom and diversity of understanding and style of worship. For example, some people are distracted by people yelling out in church, and others are encouraged by it. It is good to have a choice so everyone can find a church where they feel comfortable.

However, Dr. Cynthia warns to be sure that the church you attend truly does teach the Word of God, the Bible. Many no longer do, not fully. Also, beware of any church that places another holy book or the teachings of another “prophet” above the Bible – even if they do lip service to accepting the Bible. This is what Islam does, and other groups loosely connected to Christianity, which then are called “cults.”

Worship Styles

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Differences in worship styles, especially musical styles, are some of the most obvious ways in which Christian churches differ. Some more traditional churches sing old hymns from traditional hymnals accompanied by traditional instruments, like the organ and piano. Nowadays, more and more churches opt for modern songs with lyrics projected on a screen, accompanied by guitars, keyboards, and drums. Rather than a choir they have a worship team of 3-5 people performing, without an official director leading the congregation to keep in time. A few denominations refuse all instruments.

Dr. Cynthia points out that the Psalms in the Bible talk about a wide variety of worship styles and body worship positions. This means they should all be valid for today as well. The Psalms do not include musical notes. Although this might not be why, it is actually good that the musical notes are not preserved – that leaves every generation and culture free to develop their own worship music style, rather than relying on what was in style 3,000 years ago.

You might prefer a church with a solemn worship style, one which emphasizes quiet contemplation of the awesome majesty of God. On the other hand, perhaps you enjoy shouting out to the Lord in joy, clapping or raising your hands in praise, or at times even jumping a bit for joy. There are excellent churches which engage all of these worship styles.

Dr. Cynthia actually enjoys nearly every style of worship, but she realizes not everyone does. She suggests that you find a church with sound doctrine and a worship style that you enjoy, and attend there. The same goes for your personal worship – listen to Christian worship music on the radio, CDs or downloads that encourage your heart and Christian growth.

Daily Bible Reading, with Kevin and Dee

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Bible teachers Kevin and Dee share with us in this video the importance of daily Bible reading in their lives. Daily Bible reading is one of the most important disciplines of the Christian life. Through daily Bible reading we stay in touch with God’s way. Daily Bible reading keeps our minds renewed and receptive to what God would show us. (See also other videos on the Bible on this website.)

Share the Gospel with Kevin and Dee

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Bible teacher Kevin, in this video shares with us that being a Christian involves walking as Jesus walked, doing the things Jesus did (I John 2:6). We call this sharing the gospel in word and deed. We share the gospel by showing love to believers and unbelievers, both friends and enemies.

The other thing we need to do is share the gospel story in word – God’s way of salvation through forgiveness of our sins by Jesus’ blood. We can share the gospel by several means, including:

  • wide scale distribution of tracts, DVDs, and Bibles
  • purposely making friends with whom we will share the gospel (which we call small scale outreach)
  • using the internet and television (which can be personal or ultra-large scale outreach)
  • talking to people in public places
  • and of course, not overlooking our family, friends, and work or school connections.

In our ministry we do all of these. As illustrations, we have included photographs of some ministry volunteers active in outreach, including campus and various ethnic events, and Dr. C sharing the gospel with Muslims in Hyde Park in London.

All Christians are called to spread the gospel with love and words. We encourage you to find a way that you are comfortable with and pursue it!

Christian Service with Mike Licona

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Dr. Mike Licona in this video shares with us examples of types of Christian service. Every Christian has been given spiritual gifts, and should use them for some type of Christian service to strengthen the church, or bring others into it.

Serving meals is a longstanding tradition in the church, going all the way back to its beginning. Licona’s discussion about hospitality and serving meals includes reality footage of Dr. Cynthia and other volunteers preparing a ministry event.

Licona mentions that some people have learned much about the Bible, and are gifted in teaching it. (Several guests we have on our series, like Mark Vyka and Kevin, although not famous as others of our guests, are gifted Bible teachers and serve their local churches.)

Like everyone, Christians have problems. Wise and experienced Christians can give counsel to those in trouble. Some people are compassionate and show mercy to those who have gotten themselves into trouble by not following God’s ways. Like Barnabas with Paul and later John Mark, this gift of Christian service encourages others, and helps coach them to find where God really wants them.

Finally, Mike mentions the gift of giving. Although some are financially blessed, all Christians should give money to church and charity.

As is common knowledge, families and individuals have become busier over the last two generations. Previously most households had one primary income, and there were fewer entertainments to distract us. Now many, if not most American households have two or more incomes. The result of increasing employment is that donated time has greatly fallen. Charitable organizations have suffered and some have closed. With donated time decreasing and productive work increasing, the gift of giving money should be of increasing employed by sincere Christians. For example, although very active in evangelism and teaching now, there were years in Dr. Cynthia’s life when between her medical work and family duties, she had very little time for Christian service work. During these times she counted as her Christian service giving money and intercessory prayer, which were things she could do in limited time.

If you haven’t already found your spiritual gift or gifts, why not pray now and ask the Lord to show you?

What is a Real Christian?

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In Islam, religion and culture and the political systems are a closely intertwined triad. There is scarcely a nation that has successfully separated the three. Commonly they are called “Islamic Republics.” Therefore, it is natural for Muslims to assume that that is the relationship between every culture, religion, and political system.

In the West however, this close triad is not the case. Yes, Christianity has influenced Western couture, usually for the better, but it lacks the kind of strong association of Islam on politics and culture. The West allows personal freedom in choice of religion and behavior. Islam provides a system of Sharia Law which creates the culture and limits personal choice.

For those coming from a Muslim culture, where everyone is considered to be Muslim, it is an easy jump to consider everyone in the West to be Christian. This leads to significant misunderstandings. For example, Christians frequently find themselves blamed for the sins promoted by Hollywood, and often need to employ apologetics to defend mistakes of American and European civilizations of the past.

And so, we have found that new believers from Muslim and other backgrounds often do not use the best discernment in deciding who is a Christian to use as an example, or make a good friend. Sometimes, merely wearing a cross seems to confirm to a Muslim that someone is a true Christian. Dr. Cynthia shares with us that this is because, as the Bible tells us, people look at the outside, but the Lord looks on the heart (I Samuel 16:7).

So what is a real question? Dr Cynthia then explains with us what it takes to become a Christian. We must make a personal decision. We must admit that we are not perfect; no one is, so this shouldn’t be difficult. We are all sinners! Then, we must believe and accept that God our Creator is just and punishes wrongdoing; but in his compassion, he became human and took that punishment himself.

Believing this saves us and makes us part of God’s family. Then, we should find out God’s way and live it day by day. (See our videos on various disciplines of the Christian life, and our summary video on the topic by Mike Licona. Also, to see an explanation of the gospel that makes sense to people from Muslim background, see the Path of the Prophets videos and tract.)

Nabeel Qureshi and the Koran by Terry Kelhawk

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Terry Kelhawk is a novelist and human rights advocate. In a recent Huffington Post article, Terry writes of Nabeel Qurashi’s life, character and influence. Nabeel was a contributor to Christian from Muslim.  The following article, “Nabeel Qureshi and the Koran”  is provided here by permission from Terry Kelhawk.

Nabeel Qureshi

Nabeel Qureshi in London, 2009

Logical analysis with gracious intensity. Those are the most fitting words I can find to describe the message of Nabeel Qureshi, the noted Muslim apostate and Christian apologist who passed away a few days ago with cancer at age 34.

Many who knew him, or knew of him have written tributes of the impact made by his short life. He more than deserves his laurels. Here I remember one aspect of his life.

I met Nabeel Qureshi about a dozen years ago, through mutual friends who also speak publicly regarding Islam. Since then we spoke together at several events and worked on projects together. I was with Nabeel and other friends in Dearborn that night in 2010, when he was falsely arrested and charged. Fortunately, video footage was available, and the court proved him innocent of all charges. The fact of his arrest reflects the power of his message, the fact of his acquittal affirms the power of his personal style.

Nabeel and I both attended medical school, which could be why his manner of presentation so resonated with me – logical and complete, but as with other great physicians, having a spark of passion.

Nabeel became my favorite debater on Islam. There are other excellent debaters out there, but Nabeel’s Muslim background added authenticity to his complete and logical arguments. He dearly loved his family and felt pain in betraying them by becoming a Christian, This powerful piquancy underscored his points – truth discovered and exposed “more in sorrow than in anger.”

When Nabeel debated on the Koran at an Islamic center in London in July of 2009, I flew there expressly to hear him. My book The Topkapi Secret was soon to be released. Both his debate and my novel were based upon the changes in the Koran over the centuries. Islam teaches that the Koran is “perfectly preserved” on earth as it is on a slab in heaven. This belief is one of the top points made in support of Islam as the only true religion.

Even if the Koran were unchanged, perfect preservation is not an argument I find convincing in itself. Although I love Shakespeare, if we found that his First Folio were perfectly preserved, that would not make it a holy book. What I wanted to see in London was the effect on Nabeel’s Muslim audience when they found out the Koran was not perfectly preserved, as they had believed it to be. And the impact was tremendous.

The strength of Nabeel Qureshi’s presentation of changes in the Koran won him the debate hands down. It exposed the baseless foundation of claims such as that made in a popular leaflet, “Al-Quran is the only ever-living miracle… During the period of over 1400 years since the Quran was revealed, not a single letter was changed.”

Nabeel’s irrefutable documentation was drawn from Islam itself. It pulled from Islamic sources like authentic hadith of El Bukhari, and cited currently existing Koranic variants. His opponent could not argue against these, the sources of his own faith.

The Islamic debater thus had no choice but to agree that the Koran was not “perfectly preserved” in the sense of never having been changed. His rejoinder was that the Koran was “perfectly preserved in the way Allah wanted it to be.” Nabeel pointed out that this default position hardly verifies the unimpeachable integrity that Islam boldly claims for the Koran. It could be claimed regardless of how many changes had been made in it, or in any book.

Some say, “Quit while you are on top.” Not long after the London debate, Nabeel Qureshi quit debating on Islam. He had good reasons for doing so, but I was sorry that he did. The points he so cogently made in his London debate, as well as other debates, deserve to be universally known. This is especially true for Muslims. I believe that this knowledge would make the world a safer place.

Why? Because of something Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan al Banna taught in his Risalat al Jihad, or Message on Jihad. This document has been powerfully persuasive calling young Muslims into terrorism. In it al Banna explains that in violent jihad, the warrior of Allah must “go forth to fight, one concern within his soul – to strive to his utmost until Allah’s Word is the most exalted.”

My contention has been that general knowledge that the Koran is not the world’s singular unchanged holy book would go a long way toward stopping this sort of fanatical thinking. It would help counter the mindset which leaders like al Banna and Bin Laden promote.

Many times, people ask me to recommend books on the unpleasant aspects of Islam. I don’t want to see people Islam-bashing. I want them to understand the true problems in Islam, but in a compassionate way. That is why on an introductory level, over the past few years I have been recommending Nabeel Qureshi’s book Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. This book not only references the troubling problems that drew Nabeel to leave Islam, but it presents them from the view of his personal, compassionate struggle.

Nabeel Qureshi spent his life looking for truth that would heal – first in medicine, then in religion. I am sure he would agree with this famous quotation:

Terry Kelhawk is an award-wining speaker, writer, and teacher with significant personal and professional experience with Islam and the Middle East. In Terry’s words, “I love peoples and cultures. We have so much to learn from each other, and this makes the world a richer place. Yet when I come across a misunderstanding or deception which adversely impacts a culture or people group, for the sake of those people I believe it should be exposed.” Terry Kelhawk holds a doctorate degree, but believes people should keep on learning through life. Her areas of interest are culture, religion, and women’s rights – especially of Middle East. She actively works with non-profit organizations to forward these goals.


The Reality of Christian from Muslim

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It is said that a high percentage of Muslims who become Christians slide back into Islam. This is called recidivism. Dr. Cynthia’s experience does not necessarily confirm this, but it does show the danger flags for new believers, and the kind of things that tend to draw them back into their former life.

First, we must understand if the former Muslim is a true believer. We might misunderstand them, or perhaps they are  simply appearing to be one for some reason. For example, many Christians have been fooled into believing that a Muslim has become a Christian because they say they believe in or love Jesus. It is actually part of Islam to claim this, and so it alone does not reflect a heart change toward the Christian faith. One Muslim Dr. C knows says he is Christian when in America and Muslim when he is in the Middle East. Such ambivalence is not a true conversion. (We are not saying that a Muslim can not be a silent believer in the Middle East, or fit in with the culture to some degree, but they would know in their heart that they were NOT a Muslim.)

Next, we should try to understand what a Muslim’s life is like, and what drove a Muslim to convert to Christianity, for then we can foresee the risks. For example, with droves of Muslims moving to the West now, many desire the freedom and license they see in what they consider to be Christians – not the heart change that Jesus brings. Notably, an Arab missionary who works with us in America was called to perform an emergency conversion from Muslim to Christian for two young women in a Houka bar. Upon questioning he found what they wanted was  to live a wild life. When he explained to them what a true Christian was, they decided they did not want to convert.

Freedom from Islamic laws attracts Muslims to Christ, and that can be good; however they might be reluctant to follow the discipline of following Christ, and may drift away into secularism.

On the other hand, if they are from a strict Islamic background and are trapped in that setting, they might weaken and be tempted to revert to Islam. They may face daily pressure to go back to Islam, there may be threats to take their family away, beatings, and even threats against their lives. In short their way of life could be easier and more assured if they revert to Islam.

But even so, do not give up hope! Even some who return to Islam after consideration and comparison return to Christ, more firm in their faith.

Welcome to God’s Family

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When someone repents and becomes a Christian, the angels rejoice (Luke 15:7). In this clip a variety of believers from many backgrounds congratulate Huda and welcome her into God’s family. Some give advice for her first steps as a new believer from a Muslim background, or share their experience as new believers.