Making Muslim Pre-Disciples
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PALM Project is what we use to win Muslims to Christ. PALM stands for Pursuing And Loving Muslims. It also is a good symbol for loving Muslims because many live where palm trees grow – the Middle East, North Africa, and tropical regions like Indonesia. It is also an ancient symbol for Victory!
Dr Cynthia tells us in this video that some Christians think that they can be so good that Muslims will just come to them wanting to be Christians. Yes, Jesus said that we are to be lights. But he also said that he came to “seek and save the lost.” And his disciple John said that if we follow Jesus we walk as Jesus did.
Pursue means to go after. This doesn’t exactly mean that we chase them. But we do keep an attitude of awareness to them and try to connect.
PALM Project teaches that any time a Christian is with a Muslim – actually anyone – they should do one of these three things:
Our videos teach you specifically how to BUILD BRIDGES that connect with Muslims and lead them to the gospel. There are many bridges. We hope you find some that seem natural to you.
SHARE TRUTH: The most important Truth we need to share is the gospel. For that we use “The Path of the Prophets,” because it uses Bible characters and events that they know, so that it finally makes sense to them why God became a man to suffer for their sins. On the Resources page of our website, you can download these booklets/tracts in multiple languages, with more coming. We also have an English video with the words of the tract, on our website and YouTube, and a full video lesson with study guide Lesson on the topic.
Part of Sharing Truth is to sprinkle Bible truth into everyday experiences that you share with Muslims, and of course everyone else you know. Our videos teach how to do that.
CHALLENGING ISLAM: We are not primarily about Challenging Islam. Plenty of other channels do that. Although Christians are used to being challenged in everything they believe, that is not the case for Muslims. They are not used to it and so are very sensitive to it. We take that into account.
But we understand that unless Muslims know that Islam is not true, they will not have the strength to walk away from it: very much is at stake for them. So, our videos and study guides include essential Apologetics and Polemics (meaning defending our faith and challenging others). We do this in some short videos, but also in our full lessons as they apply. Challenging needs to be done in the right way for the setting one is in.
Christian friends, thank you for listening to our vision to bring Muslims to Christ. We hope that you join PALM Project, learn about Muslims, and start reaching Muslims for Christ.
And Muslim friends, you are most welcome to watch our videos, because they are especially aimed at your way of understanding. We even disciple a former Muslim in real time, so that you can see and hear Muslim questions and responses which resemble yours.
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Eid al AdHa means “the feast of the sacrifice.” It is the greatest holy day of the year for Muslims. All across the Muslim world, sacrifices of animals are made in honor of how Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son – but God/Allah provided a sacrifice in his place.
In some areas, on this day the streets run red with the blood of animals sacrificed by the fathers of each family. A portion of the sacrifice is given to the hungry. In the West, often a donation is made to a Muslim organization which does the sacrifice on behalf of the family, then gives meat to the poor.
Remembering Abraham’s total submission, and the day when he almost sacrificed his son is a good thing. Giving food to the poor is a very good thing. But Muslims miss the greatest meaning of Eid al AdHa – God’s provision of a substitute sacrifice, and its picture of what was to come.
Although Muslims know the story of Abraham and his “tremendous sacrifice,” they are largely unaware that animal sacrifice for sin was done by all the prophets. Noah sacrificed clean animals when he got off the ark. The Law of Moses included blood sacrifices for sin. It tells us that blood is what makes atonement.
Later prophets told us that God himself would become the final sacrifice for sin. This was Jesus Christ on the cross. The Bible tells us, “God shows his love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us.”
How did the son of Abraham receive the mercy of God?
Through the sacrifice God provided.
What would happen if they refused the sacrifice?
The son would die.
How do we receive the mercy of God?
Through the sacrifice God provides.
What will happen if we refuse the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ?
We too will die…eternally.
References: Quran 37:107, Leviticus 17:11, Romans 5:8
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Mostly, Christians think outreach needs a team or group. They may refer to Jesus sending out his disciples two by two. But that is only part of the story.
Dr. Cynthia now shares with us something you will rarely hear: Christians should consider doing outreach alone. Here you learn reasons for that.
First, remember that Jesus sent his disciples two by two at a certain time for specified reasons. This was before Jesus’ death and resurrection, before the Great Commission, and before the empowerment by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It was not given as an everlasting procedural command.
By way of contrast, the Old Testament prophets often served alone. In her several decades of experience doing outreach, Dr. C has found that insisting on a group dramatically slows down outreach activities. It inhibits rapid spread of the gospel to the immigrants flooding the West from regions which have never heard it. And it gives an excuse for staying home.
Dr. C does love to have an outreach partner. They pray together before and after outreach and share their experiences for mutual encouragement. But in our busy lives it is very difficult to arrange, even if we can find other interested Christians. So, should we forsake outreach, or limit it to once or twice a year?
Our master Jesus commands us to share. God sent people from remote and restricted regions to live near us in the West so that they could hear and experience the gospel (Acts 17). He gave us the Holy Spirit to empower us, and to convict us to share the gospel of love with them. Yet we find many reasons not to.
In this video, Dr. C presents three big benefits of doing outreach alone:
* Flexibility – it takes a lot of time and effort to coordinate a schedule with a team, or a single other outreach partner. Even then, cancellations complicate the plans and can shut them down. Going alone avoids this frustrating waste.
* Short Notice – if we bear in mind the idea of outreach as a part of our lives and are prepared to go alone spiritually and physically (with materials), when time unexpectedly opens up in our day we can easily fit in an hour or more of outreach.
* Approachability – when we go up to someone alone and with a smile, we are less intimidating. It is easy for our smile to be seen as well-meaning, and easier for our materials to be received. The connection is more immediate. Conversations are congenial. Word and Esther Bridges are more easily formed. (More on these bridges in other videos)
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Le Chemin Des Prophetes/ طريق الأنبياء/ The Path of the Prophets Spectacle/Drama in Bilingual Francais/French et Arabe/Arabic/اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ
This video gives highlights from our French/Arabic performance of The Path of the Prophets/ Le Chemin des Prophetes. This amazing bilingual drama has been performed in six states and France, in combinations of these languages: English, Arabic, French, and Dari.
Live performance of this drama has a great impact on Muslims. We have seen it. Usually in conversations it is difficult to get the full concept across; but in a performance they have the opportunity to see the idea of sacrifice developed from Adam through Jesus. They hear the same thing in two languages, which reinforces the message. Plus, we use actors who can bring the message across in a convincing way.
Currently we have outstanding invitations to perform in Muslim countries and Europe, but we have delayed because of Covid. We hope to do more performances the future. Let us know if you would like your group, refugee zone, country or language to be on our list!
We love to share the gospel with Muslims using the “Path of the Prophets.” This is because it uses Bible characters that they already know to explain God’s plan of salvation through blood sacrifice and substitution. All the patriarchs and prophets in the Bible did blood sacrifice for sin. Jesus Christ was the prophesied last sacrifice for sin – which was to be God himself.
After learning this, Muslims no longer find it crazy that Christians think that Jesus was God, dying on the cross for our sins. They usually don’t immediately believe, but they say things like, “You are the only Christian that makes sense.”
Booklets on this topic in several languages are available free on the “Resources” page of our website. There you will also find instructions on how to make a bracelet to tell the story of the Path of the Prophets.
See also The Gospel Video Tract for Muslims in English:
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Leaving Islam is one of the biggest decisions a person could ever make. It will change their lifestyle, culture, family and support system. It could even mean their death. Christina knows. She made that decision years ago, and it has cost her greatly.
In this brief video, Dr. Cynthia asked Christina what advice she would give anyone who is considering leaving Islam. The first and most important thing Christina suggests is to pray thoroughly. Pray for God to show you the truth, for him to direct you in the best way to go. Pray for wisdom and safety.
Although Christina cautions Muslims about making this move, she also cautions them against not making it. “Don’t stay Muslim to please your family or to please someone in your life,” she says. That way you will lose your own soul. But if you come to the Lord Jesus Christ, not only will you be saved but you can bring others to salvation as well.
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The MORE the LONGER: The more Christians are open about their faith, and the more Christians that share it, the less we can be marginalized and silenced. We will have the right longer.
Jesus told us to go everywhere and share his teachings. Regions that do not allow the open exchange of ideas create a dilemma for Christians. In Muslim and communist countries, Christians are very restricted in where, when, what they can say about the Bible, the gospel, and their faith.
Traditionally America and parts of Europe have been bastions of the Freedom of Speech. Although constitutionally protected by the First Amendment in America, more and more topics are being forbidden as “hate speech.” As the West becomes increasingly post-Christian, restrictions come our way. Take for example, pastors. For expressing Biblical opinions, they face accusations: some are actually arrested, as in Finland.
Average Christians are being characterized as unkind, extreme, unloving and intolerant. Sadly, you can often guess the criminal in a show by looking for who wears a cross or goes to church. Some televangelists and street preachers do come across as judgmental. This taints all Christians.
In this video, Dr. Cynthia points out a way that we can fight against negative Christian stereotypes: if Christians bear the fruit of the Spirit and are openly share their faith, it will be more difficult to marginalize us. Let’s let the Holy Spirit fill us with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 6:22). And let’s take the “good news” wherever we go.
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Do you have reluctance or anxiety about reaching out to Muslims – or anyone? If so, Dr. Cynthia tells you in this video, “Take it Easy!”
Let’s face it, no one wants to reach out. The mere thought is intimidating! It’s much easier to keep going on our way, fulfilling the duties of the day. If we do have some free time, we take what enjoyment we can.
Getting started in outreach can be really hard. But to truly follow Jesus we do need to share his words and gospel with others – even though we don’t feel like it. Are you surprised that Dr. C never feels like going on outreach? When the time arrives, she’s tired or ill, or just doesn’t want to do it. She expects it now. That expectation helps overcome it.
Maybe you are the same. We’re not saying to spread a contagious disease. What we are saying is that our own natures, and our invisible enemy, will try many things to discourage us from reaching out.
How can we confront this reluctance? Here’s Dr. C’s way:
And do you know what? If you do step out in faith like this, you will gain strength, increase your faith, and experience minor miracles.
For example:
As Psalm 126:6 says,
“Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.”
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Pedophilia is so common in Islamic countries that we don’t even have a word for it. It’s normal,” says former Muslim Christina. She should know. Not only has she read the Arabic fatawa allowing it, but has a ministry counseling hundreds who have lived through it. In boys it can lead to homosexuality or phobias, and in girls promiscuity, prostitution, lesbianism and dislike/hate of men. (See also our post with her on Gender Identity Sexuality and Gender Identity in Islam – with Former Muslim Christina.)
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SWAP it!
In our ministry and training we emphasize keeping things practical – advice that average Christians can understand and actually use. We don’t go for complex theological discussions. And we explain things in a way that Muslims can understand with their background and experiences.
SWAP Reason: Professional debaters have platforms that allow them to make a full, logical presentation. Realistically, you don’t. You have to use only 1 or 2 sentences to make a point.
Every word you say must count like 50! That is why we developed SWAP: Street Wise Apologetic and Polemics.
SWAP Definition: Street Wise Apologetic and Polemics
for Christians with poor listeners
SWAP Goal: to get beyond the stumbling blocks and strongholds that keep Muslims within Islam
SWAP Methods:
A. Our Example: Jesus
Fitting the Person, Setting or Need
Logos, pathos, ethos are the components of a message. They must be tailored to your audience
B. Our Guidance: Peter, Paul and Father Z
Speak the Truth in Love and patience Ephesians 4:15, I Timothy 2:24-26
C. Technique Train to the Gospel – tools to avoid head-on collisions and getting derailed
D. Which “Hill to Die on”
Keep the train on track because The Main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
Note: This is only an introduction to SWAP and its techniques. For more information and examples, attend a full seminar or workshop on SWAP: Streetwise Apologetics and Polemics.
Otherwise, our online apologetics, polemics, and lessons with study guides give many examples of how to use SWAP on this website or ChristianfromMuslim YouTube.
And you can watch a livestream discussion of SWAP with Al Fadi at: (3) Street Apologetics: Short Answers to Hard Questions – Dr. Cynthia – YouTube
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Whenever a Christian is with Muslims, we suggest the threefold approach of: Build Bridges, Share Truth, and Challenge Falsehood. Our YouTube and website videos focus on different aspects of goals.
There are different settings for the use of APOLOGETICS, meaning the defense of faith and POLEMICS, meaning pointing out the problems with other faiths. One setting is a debate. That is what professionals have the time and platform to do. Debates actually do good in opening people’s eyes. Sometimes in public settings, like Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park London, or interfaith discussions you might also be involved in apologetics and polemics. These settings do not require much of a bridge with the Muslim you are discussing with. The main bridges are a greeting and a smile.
A different setting is a Christian’s personal relationship with Muslims. Because of the Muslim mindset, soon the Christian will be challenged in certain areas of their faith, so it is essential for them to learn some basic apologetics to defend their faith to overcome stumbling blocks that keep the gospel from making sense to Muslims. (See also The Path of the Prophets gospel method video, lesson, and multilanguage booklets)
Later on in a relationship, after hearing the gospel and when the time is appropriate, a Muslim will need to be challenged about the incorrect aspects of their faith. You will need to use polemics. Unless Muslims are strongly convinced that Islam is NOT the way of God, they will not have the strength to leave its totalitarian lifestyle.
There are good YouTube and websites which deal with apologetics and polemics to Islam. In fact, there are more that criticize Islam than give overall training, such as our channel/website does. We will not repeat all of their material.
This video explains how to train in apologetics and polemics using our videos, but not necessarily limited to them. Regardless of where you find your material, we STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you watch our SWAP and PAT videos because they tell you HOW to USE what you have learned. We also have shorter videos which focus on individual apologetic and polemic topics with what we think are unusual approaches or insights.
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Jesus’ last command to his followers was to go into all the world and make disciples. In previous centuries that often meant leaving a “Christian” country and traveling a great distance to bring the gospel light to people who had no access to it.
But now a remarkable thing – almost a miracle – has happened: people are coming in throngs from all over the world to America and the West. We now have access to them in our own country. We believe that God brought them here to bless them with safety, prosperity, liberty, and the gospel. (Bible, Acts 17) As a result, you can bring the gospel across the world without leaving America! Sometimes you might go with a team on a short trip to where many immigrants are; but often a mission field is simply in your own neighborhood or across town.
In this video, Dr. Cynthia speaks to us from where she is on outreach – a public walking street with people from around the globe. She encourages us to look for places like this nearby where we live. Find out what language and religious groups live or visit there. Take appropriate materials, perhaps with small gifts, and go to them! (Materials are available for free download in a variety of languages on our website. Another video will cover this in more detail.)
Dr. C has been doing outreach for over 40 years. She tells us that she knows it can be difficult getting started and sticking with it. So she will be doing a series of short videos with helpful hints and encouragement to make it easier. Today she reminds us that Christians don’t need a special call to share the gospel because Jesus commanded his followers to do that. You need a special call NOT share it. If you don’t feel called, as has been said, “Put your ear to the Bible and listen!”
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In both the Bible and the Quran there are books named after the Prophet Jonah (Yunas in Arabic). God told Jonah to do something undesirable and nearly unthinkable: go to his nation’s sworn enemies and preach repentance to them. Assyria was known for being aggressive and violent. As you may have heard, Prophet Jonah took a boat the opposite direction. But after a dramatic turn of events, Jonah did go to Nineveh, Assyria’s capital.
In this video, Dr. asks Christians if they have a similar reaction to reaching out to Muslims? God had compassion on the Assyrians because they did not “know their right hand from their left.” They did eventually attack and destroy the Northern Kingdom of Israel, but due to Jonah’s obedience, Nineveh did repent. God did not destroy Nineveh at that time, and Nineveh likewise delayed in attacking Israel.
What difference might it make if you reach out to those who have threatened your country or your people?
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Some Christians fear reaching out to Muslims either because they are “the enemies of God,” or that in loving them they curse Abraham, and will so bring curses upon themselves. We call this “The Abraham Dilemma.” In this video Dr. Cynthia address the issue to help Christians overcome it.
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Working with Muslims we have many adventures. We also see the Lord work in a fantastic way! In order to inspire people to reach out to Muslims, we share some of these stories. But this can lead to problem. People can get the idea that we are more special than they are, and that we can do things that they can’t. So they give up before trying.
In this video, Dr. Cynthia dresses up with a silly crown to convince us that everyone is special and called by God. She shares with us that Bible heroes like David who did great things were considered insignificant. I Samuel 16 & 17)
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Sexual harassment of women is routine in Muslim countries, explains former Muslim Christina. Women grow to expect it. It is degrading and turns women into sex objects. This makes it difficult to balance women’s rights with safety and respect of men’s weakness regarding sexual desire.
In Islam, it is the woman’s fault if a man lusts after her. In the Bible Jesus tells us the opposite. He says that if a man looks at a woman lustfully he is guilty of sexual sin, zinna. (Matthew 5:28)
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